by Becky Tegze | Nov 30, 2015 | Animal Rescue, Cats, Medical Cases
Written by Becky Lyn Tegze, Acting Executive Director You’re like an angel too good to be true, but after all, I love you, I do, Angel Baby, my Angel Baby… And just like the song Angel Baby by Rosie and the Originals, we do so love our Angel Baby here at Pets Alive!...
by Becky Tegze | Nov 8, 2015 | Animal Rescue, Horses, Uncategorized
Written by: Cindy O’Brien, Farm Manager It seems like our work never stops. So many animals need our help. Pets Alive is one of the oldest no kill animal sanctuaries in New York State. What this has meant for many animals is that not only do we refrain from...
by Becky Tegze | Oct 23, 2015 | Animal Rescue, Dogs
Written by: Sue Bagley, Dog Adoption Coordinator Some days your heart feels broken, your spirit crushed and your faith in the world lost. But the company of a dog will repair and restore you – every time. With the daily grind of work, bills and other constant...
by Pets Alive | Sep 27, 2015 | Animal Rescue
When anything can happen, and anything often does happen here at Pets Alive, you get used to some weird things. Staff finding injured hawks on their way to work, for example. Or the week that for seven days in a row, different people showed up at our 11 am staff...
by Pets Alive | Jul 16, 2015 | Animal Rescue, Horses
By Audrey Lodato, Executive Director Pets Alive Middletown We’re always happy when someone from local law enforcement calls and asks us for help because it shows that they are serious about protecting animals. They don’t HAVE to call, but when they do it usually means...
by Pets Alive | Jun 29, 2015 | Animal Rescue, Why We Do This
By Audrey Lodato, Executive Director Pets Alive Middletown The animals from the hoarding situation in Minisink have been through hell, but there’s some good news. We’re done with the sickness and the worry. We’re getting to the end of the...