by Becky Tegze | May 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
Today we tell Lola’s story. A story of isolation. A story of neglect. A story of cruelty. After a lengthy investigation by the Hudson Valley SPCA Humane Law Enforcement Division, Lola has finally been liberated. Our Pets Alive team met Humane Law Officers and New York...
by Pets Alive | May 5, 2020 | Uncategorized
We are kicking off “May of Giving”, a month-long series of opportunities for you to join us in making a difference for the animals at Pets Alive. During this time period, we are honored that Sidewalk Angels Foundation will match your gift up to...
by Becky Tegze | Mar 13, 2020 | Uncategorized, Updates
Each day more confirmed cases of COVID-19 are being reported in the Hudson Valley and many if not all are concerned about how this will affect our community and the pets we all love. We know this is a scary time for many and I wanted to reach out to you to let you...
by Becky Tegze | Feb 23, 2020 | Animal Rescue, Case Studies, Dogs, Uncategorized
A little background: Snowcone is an undersocialized dog; as a result of being on the run, he has developed coping skills that depend largely on the avoidance of contact with people in order to be safe in uncertain circumstances, so we have to gently guide him using...
by Pets Alive | Sep 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
Hit by a car? Kicked? Abused? We may never know how Pumpkin Spice found himself all alone on the streets to fend for himself – with a broken, dislocated bottom jaw. Imagine the pain he must’ve been in while wandering around looking for scraps of...
by Pets Alive | Sep 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
Autumn was just brought to us earlier today by our local Animal Control Officer. She is missing fur on almost her entire body, fleas can be seen crawling all over her, she has a mass on her belly, she is underweight, dehydrated, and her nails are overgrown – and...