by Pets Alive | Mar 22, 2010 | Animal Rescue, No Kill
West Virginia may be almost heaven to John Denver, but as a state West Virginians are quite poor. In fact, it ranks 49th out of 50 for per-capita income of $16,477 and 49th out of 50 for median household income at $37,989. Comparatively New York ranks 8th at...
by Pets Alive | Mar 3, 2010 | Animal Rescue
Kerry’s face was all smile as she wheeled the $5 cart (yes she complained when she paid the five bucks) across the terminal canopy. There was a single battered plastic pet carrier on it. It was the usual bland tan color, with stripes of gray duct tape...
by Pets Alive | Nov 25, 2009 | Animal Rescue
Tomorrow we gather for our Thanksgiving meal, stuff ourselves and then spend a tryptophan-induced restful afternoon with the people we love. Back in 1620, a group of about 100 religious dissidents from England found themselves in Plymouth, Massachusetts after a short...
by Pets Alive | Nov 19, 2009 | Animal Rescue
Tonight (Wednesday), as animal lovers hold a candlelight vigil outside the ASPCA offices for Oreo, the miracle dog killed by the ASPCA, we are thrilled to let you know that we received word that a bill to allow animal welfare organizations the right to request animals...
by Pets Alive | Nov 14, 2009 | Animal Rescue
We are naive. For organizations like the ASPCA, “animal welfare” is big business. They are money raising machines, using star power to raise millions to further their efforts. Paying their CEO, Ed Sayres, the man who responded to staff emails trying to...
by Pets Alive | Nov 13, 2009 | Animal Rescue
Hi everyone. Matt here. At Pets Alive we are eager to collaborate with other shelters. We try very hard to set aside political views, debates over kill or no-kill, personalities and everything else, staying laser focused on the animals. They are all that matter. We...