Jacob came to Pets Alive on July 31, 2020, along with 29 other farm animals, all victims of abuse. He was only a month old. At the time, he had an infected umbilicus (belly button region). This condition was most likely caused by being born in unhygienic conditions.
Now 4 months later, Jacob is facing a related serious medical condition and he needs your help. When he first arrived, we cleaned and medicated the umbilicus and it healed – but only the skin healed and not the abdominal wall. As he aged, a hole formed and it continued to get larger as he grew.
There’s a risk of bowel strangulation, which could possibly lead to death. Jacob is now faced with having an intricate surgery to correct this life-threatening condition. Jacob’s surgery is scheduled for December 4 at Cornell University Hospital for Animals in Ithaca, NY.
We are proud to be part of #GivingTuesday today, a global movement for generosity. Won’t you consider a donation to help Jacob and the other animals at Pets Alive? No donation is too small.
Help give Jacob a second chance by supporting our #GivingTuesday campaign.
Prefer to send us a check? Mail it to Pets Alive, 363 Derby Road, Middletown, NY 10940 and write “Giving Tuesday” on the check and we’ll apply it to our #GivingTuesday Campaign.
THANK YOU for your support!

Jacob is out for a walk. Yes, he is leash-trained!

Jacob hangs out in our fenced-in play yard at Pets Alive