363 Derby Road
Middletown, NY, 10940

(845) 386-9738
– Dog Team: Ext. 2
– Cat Team:  Ext. 3


Daily: 10 am – 4 pm (EST)


dog123.jpgDear Sirs,
My beloved dog, Baxter, passed away of a heart attack and I had just purchased many pills for him.
I would like to donate them to you, as you keep animals alive and I respect that so much. I know you have older animals and are in need of these meds, Please use them the best way you can for the most needed.
I am also enclosing a small check for whatever you need.
I hope it helps somewhat.
Thank you for caring for pets.
Lorraine N.
P.S. If at all possible can you send me a receipt for the donation …for my tax records. If not, not to worry.

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