363 Derby Road
Middletown, NY, 10940

(845) 386-9738
– Dog Team: Ext. 2
– Cat Team:  Ext. 3


Daily: 10 am – 4 pm (EST)


Imagine this — there’s a knock on your door and two policemen and an Animal Control Officer enter your house. They walk to where your dog is sleeping peacefully on his bed, put the loop from a pole around his neck and drag him out. He is euthanized that evening along with dozens of others.
His crime? He’s a pit bull and he lives in Ohio. This is called breed-specific legislation, and the worst I’ve ever seen has been introduced by a moronic legislator by the name of Tyrone Yates of Cincinnati. Here is the yutz himself.
The details are simple:
The bill requires all owners to surrender their “pit bulls” within 90 days of the effective date of the proposed law. The bill is unequivocal that the dog warden “shall” euthanize all pit bulls within 10 days of their surrender.

Also under this proposal a dog warden or other officer who has probable cause to believe that a dog is a pit bull dog, may apply for a search warrant. With the search warrant the officer will have the authority to seize the pit bull dog and surrender it to the dog warden to be killed.
There are so many things wrong with this bill. First and foremost — IDIOT…PIT BULL IS NOT A BREED. Secondly, isn’t this America? The courts have held that animals are property. Coming in like Nazi Stormtroopers and seizing people’s property seems kind of against that quaint piece of paper we don’t hear much about anymore — the Constitution. I love the fact that they paper over this by making the dog warden apply for a search warrant, which will be rubber stamped if there is “reasonable cause” to believe the dog is a “pit bull.” What a joke.
Seizing and killing dogs just because they are a certain breed is un-American and unfair.
Luckily we have courts to overturn these stupid laws. Um….not in Ohio. The geniuses on the Ohio Supreme Court have already upheld a law banning the ownership of “pit bulls” in Toledo. Here’s how it reads:
No person or organization or corporation shall own, keep, harbor or provide sustenance for more than one vicious dog, as defined by Ohio R. C. 955.11, or a dog commonly known as a Pit Bull or Pit Bull mixed breed dog, regardless of age, in the City of Toledo, with the exception of puppies commonly known as Pit Bull or Pit Bull mixed breed for which the owner has filed an ownership acknowledgement form in person with the Dog Warden of Lucas County, prior to reaching seven (7) days of age. The ownership of these puppies must be transferred according to Ohio R. C. 955.11 before they are three (3) months of age. Additionally, this section requires that all vicious dogs, as described in the Ohio Revised Code, or dogs commonly known as Pit Bull or Pit Bull mixed breed dogs are required, when off the owners’ premises, to be securely confined as described in Ohio R.C. 955.22 and muzzled.
(b) Any vicious dog, as defined in the Ohio R. C. 955.11, or Pit Bull which is referred to in Ohio R. C. 955.11, which is outside the premises of the dog owner, shall be kept on a leash and muzzled until the dog’s return to the premises of ownership.
So anyone who owns a “pit bull” has to keep him muzzled anytime they leave their house. And the courts say this is okay, because the government has “legitimate interests in protecting citizens from dangers associated with pitbulls.”
Dangers? As someone from Ohio pointed out, here are selected risks in their state:
Fatal Dog Attacks in Ohio as Compared to Other Selected Risks:
Fatal dog attacks: 1
Struck by lightning : 3
Farm animal-related deaths: 4
Bicycle-related fatalities: 18
Child (<10 yrs.) drowned: 21
ATV-related deaths 30
Automobile accident fatalities: 1,379
So there are 1379% more auto accidents than dogbites. Toyotas are the most likely to cause accidents. I think they should seize people’s Toyotas and crush them. What’s the difference really?
I know we have supporters in Ohio. Write the idiots you elected and let them know how stupid this law will be. In fact, anyone can do it. Just go to the Ohio General Assembly website. One last thing. Remember how I said Pit Bull wasn’t a breed? That’s one of the biggest problems with this legislation. Take a look at all of the dogs on this page. Not a single one is a Pit Bull.
If they lived in Ohio they’d be either muzzled or dead. The breeds, from the top picture:
American Staffordshire Terrier, Tyrone “The Yutz” Yates, Presa, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, Boxer, Alpha Blue Blood. The pictures are from the website Find The Pit Bull. He comes to a great conclusion. “So where is the pit bull? He is at home…but you can bet that the media will blame him for any and all dog attacks in his neighborhood.”
phantom2.jpgMeet Phantom. She’s an American Staffordshire Terrier. She was saved from euthanasia 6 years ago and is living the high life at the DeAngelis house. If I lived in Ohio I’d be looking at real estate listings right now.
Let’s end this ignorance and stupidity.

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