363 Derby Road
Middletown, NY, 10940

(845) 386-9738
– Dog Team: Ext. 2
– Cat Team:  Ext. 3


Daily: 10 am – 4 pm (EST)


There are so many forces at work with trying to get Oreo’s Law passed.
The ASPCA and the Mayor’s Alliance, both charged with saving animals and
given millions of dollars to do so, are pouring money and resources into
defeating the bill, ensuring that they continue to control which animals
live and die in New York City and throughout the state.
It’s a classic David versus Goliath proposition, and Goliath is winning.
They’ve convinced the chairman of the Agriculture Committee (Robert
Magee) to table the bill because the “language isn’t clear.” What part
of “if a qualified rescue requests an animal that would otherwise be
euthanized the request must be fulfilled” don’t they understand?

Emails and calls are pouring into Magee’s office and the other members
of both the Senate and Assembly Agriculture committees are getting them
as well. Animal lovers and voters are making it clear that they will
hold these people responsible for the innocent lives that will be lost
should this bill die in committee.
I have been watching the email servers at the Senate and the Assembly,
and they are bogged down with emails to the point where we have to send
over and over again to get them through. This is fantastic! Keep it up,
my friends. In a election year that has a tremendous anti-incumbent
sentiment we need to let them know that we’re watching, we vote, and we
will blame them for the lives that would be lost should this bill be passed.
Ed Sayres of the ASPCA, Jane Hoffman of the Mayor’s Alliance, and groups
like the Animal Law “Coalition” have poured money and lobbyist time into
killing this bill. Let’s show them that in the end the PEOPLE of New
York decide the POLICIES of New York, not some power hungry elitists
with our money spilling out of their pockets.
I, Matt DeAngelis, promise that should Mr. Magee table this bill I will
personally pour my own personal time, energy and money into ensuring he
is defeated this November, WHEN HE IS UP FOR RE-ELECTION.
We need you loyal supporters. Go to this page:
And send emails to the Ag Committee members letting them know this is
their last chance to choose life over politics. Urge them to vote YES in
getting the bill out of committee, rather than tabling it like our
opponents want to do.
Please…do it now. If you’d rather call, please do. But do it today. This
is our last chance (all the assembly phone numbers can be found here: http://bit.ly/9nC0z2).
Call and email friends and tell them to do it too.
Thanks. Together we have made such a tremendous difference in the lives
of companion animals, and here is an amazing opportunity to save
thousands. PLEASE. Act now.

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