Carrie and Baxter Update
If you read our last update yesterday you’ll know that a judge awarded the woman who had 18 of her horses confiscated (due to neglect, cruelty and starvation), her choice of 6 horses BACK. This after the horses were seized and two so under nourished they could not stand. Pets Alive took in a mama and her four month old Baby (Carrie and Baxter) and we have spent over $800 taking care of them and getting them healthy.
Read article here. Another story (after the confiscation) can be found here.
The woman chose Carrie and Baxter to take back. We immediately offered $2000 to try to buy them from her. There is no end to the viciousness of this woman, as she is demanding DOUBLE that, to allow us to keep the horses SHE NEGLECTED. We don’t even have the original $2000 we offered her. Another $2000 is simply impossible….and she probably knows it.
So we are appealing to you.
Please help us raise the $4000. We can’t bear to let her have these horses back, after they are now so happy and healthy and looking forward to the possibility of good homes rather that living forever as dude ranch horses, with a woman capable of starving her animals to death with no compunction. Please help us.
Some people remind us just how cruel and ridiculous this world can be.
Have faith, Pets Alive, I know all your supporters will pull through for you & Carrie and Baxter.
Many hugs,
Chrstie & John
New Jersey
tell me that is not an error … goal met already???
Thank goodness and hooray! THIS network knows how to get results, blessings to all!
God Bless all of those that have helped raise money to save Carrie and Baxter. Hopefully they will in fact remain safe from futher harm. If only the others could be spared from returning. Why are “owners” being allowed to “choose” and “pick their price” above and beyond what is being spent to save these two in the anyway????
I am very happy that these horses will be saved, however…
What is to stop her from taking this $4000 and using it to buy more horses? Is there any avenue of legal action against her?
Now that she see’s how quickly people have responded, can she ask for more???!!! Please update us… this woman is being allowed to set a horrible example of unspeakable tolerance for cruelty.
A friend who’s husband is an equine vet thought you should be able to charge this woman board plus expenses for the time you cared for the horses – subtract this from the $$ she wants for them.